Walking paths

Itinerary of Merciful and Eucharistic love

A journey of inspiration and spirituality in the footsteps of Mother Speranza

Whether you are a devoted pilgrim or a lay person, you cannot help but ask yourself what to seek as you take this journey: a sort of spiritual trekking, stopping in silent oases to contemplate nature and meditate. The itinerary of Merciful and Eucharistic Love invites you to invoke the message of the Gospel through art and prayer.

Tappa 1

Start at Collevalenza with open mind and heart, from the Sanctuary of Merciful Love, built in the 1950's by Mother Speranza, who was beatified in 2014.

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Tappa 2

Continue your journey to the city of Todi. Take your time and be prepared to find answers to questions you haven't yet asked. Start by visiting the Church of the Santissimo Crocifisso. Then wander beyond the city walls to the Church of Santa Maria della Consolazione for a moment of contemplation and prayer. Legend has it that a worker, blind in one eye, was clearing thorn bushes from the spot where the church now stands and used his handkerchief to wipe the face of a statue of the Virgin Mary in a votive shrine. He then dried his eyes with the same handkerchief and miraculously regained sight in his blind eye. The church was built here to commemorate the miracle

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Tappa 3

Now continue your journey along a mountain road until you arrive in Orvieto. The Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta in Cielo is famous throughout Italy. Don't let the architectural beauty and grandeur of it distract you from your prayers.

If you get hungry, try some "pizza sotto 'l foco'" or Pigeon alla ghiotta - first baked in the oven then finished over low heat on the stove – accompanied by a glass of Grechetto DOC.

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