Poster Associazione L'Officina 2025

Associazione l'Officina, workshops and other events

From 15 February to 12 April, Associazione l'Officina in Monteleone d'Orvieto is organising workshops and other events for adults and children.

Saturday 15 February will start with ‘Piccola indagine sentimentale intorno al tessere - un ascolto collettivo’, an audio documentary by Giorgia Capoccia, on 1 March there will be the workshop ‘Bagno Armonico’ with Davide Fusi, on 13 March there will be ‘AGUA VIVA, L'acqua è Vita, Madre d'ogni creatura, fonte universale’ a multimedia show by and with the dancer and choreographer Libera Ceccarelli. To conclude, on 12 April there will be an exhibition and performance by Marion Dieterle, with ‘BODY, RIVER, WIND and TREES, fluidity in the body-world relationship’.

On 21 and 28 February, 14 March and 4 and 18 April there will be the workshop ‘Art that is life’ led by Rosenda Arcioni Meer.

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