60° Mostra Mercato del Sedano Nero e Sagra del Sedano Nero e della Salsiccia
Event celebrating the Black Celery cultivar, a product of excellence from the Trevi area
The 60th edition of the Mostra Mercato del Sedano Nero (Black Celery Market Exhibition) and the Sagra del Sedano Nero e della Salsiccia (Black Celery and Sausage Festival) in Trevi, prominent events in the Ottobre Trevano (Trevano October), will be held on Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 October 2024. The Black Celery cultivar is a product of excellence of the territory that, in fact, grows only in the ‘Canapine’ area, and for some time now has been classified as a Slow Food presidium and a source of pride for the entire city. This year too, there will be a preview on Saturday 19 October, to promote the initiative by giving visitors the opportunity to taste the sausage and celery sandwich in the Piazza. Instead, on Sunday 20 October, the Sagra will be held as per tradition: this is the day on which various side events will be organised, such as a trek through the celery production areas, with a visit to the church of Santa Maria in Pietrarossa; the announcement of the winner of the ‘Best Celery of the Season’ award; and in the afternoon, the unfailing popular festival with the Trevi city band through the streets of the historic centre. For more information: Facebook: ProTreviOfficial