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MTB - Breathtaking views from Costacciaro to Monte Cucco

A very difficult mountain bike trail along the paths of Monte Cucco, with stunning views of the Umbrian Apennines

Costacciaro is a little village nestled at the foot of Monte Cucco, an ideal place for lovers of mountain biking and hiking, offering multiple opportunities to indulge in both activities. The itinerary proposed here takes place within the Monte Cucco Regional Park, featuring meadows and beech forests, with fantastic panoramas of Umbria and the Marche, and offers many of the highlights of the Monte Cucco mountain bike Gran Fondo, which takes place every year and attracts over 1000 enthusiasts. The 1300 metre climb over several kilometres makes this a difficult trail, although not impossible, and also features several entertaining single tracks, which on several occasions will have to be made on foot. The trail features a long climb up to the summit of Monte Cucco, which starts after a few kilometres and ends at kilometre 11, when you reach Punta Sasso Pecoraro. Here you can take a few moments to rest, but above all to enjoy the panorama, as the view is truly not to be missed.
The trail continues inside the park, towards the striking trail 1, where some sections need to be made on foot. At kilometre 19.6, the last section of the climb ends and from here it's downhill all the way, alternating between short sections of paved road and fast stony trails and ending at the bottom of the valley, after passing through Sigillo and then on to Costacciaro.
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