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The second 'Green Wave' route will touch the municipalities of Perugia, Corciano, Umbertide, Montone, Pietralunga, Città di Castello and Monte Santa Maria Tiberina.

Departure point Perugia Arrival point Perugia Distance 160 km Elevation gain 2428 m Duration 6 hours and 23minutes Difficulty Hard Surface asphalt Bicycle types Road bike, gravel, e-bike To see nearby Montone, Pietralunga, Città di Castello, Monte S. Maria Tiberina, Umbertide, Corciano   The ' Umbria in Shape Bike Experience - Perugia / Green Wave' cycle tourism circuit proposes a ring-shaped route, with a total length of 160 km suitable for road bikes and ebikes, which includes the city of Perugia as its starting and finishing point, leading participants to discover a series of locations, among woods, vineyards, olive groves, hermitages, oil mills and wine cellars, located around the Umbrian capital and in the territories north of the Tiber, olive groves, hermitages, oil mills and wine cellars, located in the surroundings of Umbria's capital and in the territories north of the Tiber, where cyclists, always following the fil rouge represented by the waterways, will be able to admire places of art and history immersed in splendid landscapes, as well as taste traditional Umbrian food products. The municipalities involved in the ' Green Wave' route, in addition to Perugia, are: Corciano, a small mediaeval village that houses, in the church of Santa Maria Assunta, a 16th century masterpiece by Perugino, the altarpiece depicting the scene of the Assumption of the Virgin with two predellas below showing the Annunciation and Adoration of the Shepherds; Monte Santa Maria Tiberina, a town situated in a beautiful panoramic position on the fertile plain of the Aggia torrent, which boasts as its main monument of civil construction the Bourbon Palace of Monte Santa Maria, built on the remains of the ancient medieval castle by the Marquises Bourbon del Monte Santa Maria, one of the most prominent aristocratic families of distant Frankish origin in the Medici principality, with ramifications in Umbria and the Marches; Pietralunga, a picturesque town that retains its medieval appearance, with its characteristic 'alleys', the remains of the Longobard fortress dating back to the 8th century and the parish church of Santa Maria, adorned with an elegant Romanesque portal dating back to 1279; Finally, Umbertide, a city located in a green valley dominated by Mount Acuto and made fertile by the passage of the Tiber river, which offers many attractions, not only concentrated in the historic core, characterised by the Rocca, a superb medieval fortress, but also in the surrounding area, with castles, medieval villages and ancient churches, including the Abbey of San Salvatore and the hermitage of Monte Corona, built in the 16th century on the top of the mountain, at an altitude of 700 metres, amidst cool fir and chestnut forests. For information: MORE DETAILS ON  KOMOOT
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