Amp portlet

Vini Doc Todi

The Grechetto grape, in this zone grown in the "Todi" variety, was recently granted protected denomination of origin status. White grapes grow well here thanks to the favourable climate, but there are also several red grape varieties such as Sangiovese and Merlot.

The Etruscan town of Todi stands on two hills, and has always represented a natural boundary for travellers crossing the Tiber Valley. The name comes from the Etruscan word " tuder", meaning "frontier".
The first large ring of walls around the town dates from Etruscan times.   It is a beautiful little town, located in one of the most striking parts of Umbria. In the historic centre it is easy to see the mediaeval influence, with a number of sacred and public buildings of great prestige. The Grechetto grape, in this zone grown in the "Todi" variety, was recently granted protected denomination of origin status. White grapes grow well here thanks to the favourable climate, but there are also several red grape varieties such as Sangiovese and Merlot.
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