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Festival of Nations - Spring Season

In Città di Castello, from 24th March to 2nd May: four events with free admission will offer different instruments, sounds and musical programs, from Beethoven to jazz through Piazzolla and Michael Nyman.

Città di Castello

24.03.2019 - 02.05.2019

There will be a piano solo by Danilo Rea and three concerts with some of the most interesting chamber ensembles in Italy: Trio Metamorphosi, Duo Scudeller and Quartetto Cherubini. This is the programme of the first spring season of the Festival of Nations, which will take place in Città di Castello - at the Teatro degli Illuminati and in the Sala degli specchi of the Circolo degli Illuminati - from Sunday 24 March to Thursday 2 May 2019.
Four events with free admission will offer different instruments, sounds and musical programs, from Beethoven to jazz through Piazzolla and Michael Nyman. he spring season of the Festival of Nations will open with the Trio Metamorphosi: the group, composed of Mauro Loguercio on violin and the two brothers Francesco Pepicelli on cello and Angelo Pepicelli on piano, will perform on Sunday 24 March 2019 at 5 p.m. at the Teatro degli Illuminati in Città di Castello, with a programme entirely dedicated to Ludwig van Beethoven. For further information:
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