Titolo: The medieval village of Stroncone

The medieval village of Stroncone

The village of Stroncone is located outside Terni, perched on a 450 m hill covered in olive groves. 
The main entrance to the village is from Piazza della Libertà, with its beautiful 16th-century fountain. Just inside the gate, topped by the coat of arms of the municipality, you'll encounter a small square that will call to mind the courtyard of a castle, with an ancient well and, in the corner, the Chiesa di San Giovanni Decollato, a jewel of art and architecture from the first half of the 15th century, with frescoes depicting stories of the life of the Saint.

In Piazza della Libertà, there is also a Natural History Museum that documents the evolution of the Earth and life in the area, with palaeontology and geology collections.
Walk up Via Flaminio Delfini, the main street, then turn right into Via dell'Arrengo. You will arrive at the Romanesque Chiesa di San Nicolò, with Byzantine reliefs adorning the beautiful decorated Portal (1171); inside there is a painting of the Coronation of the Virgin by Rinaldo di Calvi, one of the best pupils of Lo Spagna.
Next go to the Palazzo Comunale, founded in the 13th century, where, if you are interested in miniatures, you can admire nine chorales with their precious capital letters. Delightful alleyways branch off Via Gregorio Contessa, rich with gates and arches.
Just outside the walls, you can find the Convento di San Francesco, founded, according to tradition, by St Francis in 1213. Its library holds one of the richest Franciscan collections in Umbria and the body of Blessed Antonio Vinci, who came from Stroncone.
Close to the city, you can visit the four hamlets of Aguzzo, Coppe, Finocchietto and Vasciano, and the tourist resorts of   Montane delle Cimitelle and "I Prati", where you can enjoy pleasant stays at any time of the year, and walk along picturesque trails up to the summits of the mountains dominating the vast landscapes of the Conca Ternana and the Reatine plain. In the highlands of the Prati di Stroncone, you can also go trekking with donkeys, and along the Via di Francesco, you can reach the Sanctuary of Greccio, one of the major Franciscan sites.
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