The Apennines and the green hills of Gualdo Tadino

The Apennines and the green hills of Gualdo Tadino

By bike in an itinerary that plunges into nature

Take to the saddle and discover the Apennines area of Gualdo Tadino, particularly interesting if you are a bike enthusiast. We offer you an itinerary that starts from Gualdo Tadino, where you can admire the beauties of its Flea Fortress, a typical example of military architecture of the 12th century.


At the foot of the Umbria-Marche Apennines, you can see around you the green hills surrounding Gualdo and Assisi: go to the cycling track play named Adolfo Leoni, located in the village’s suburbs. Follow via Aurelio Saffi until the SS3 Flaminica, an ancient Roman street that, in Umbria, starts from Otricoli and ends at the crossing of Scheggia. At the crossroads with the Flaminia turn right and right immediately after that in the direction of Assisi on the SP270 that leads you to the beginning of the Valtole climb that presents its most difficult part precisely on the first slopes.


The climb ends at the kilometre 9: at the crossroad with the SS444 let’s turn left in the direction of Assisi. You will go past the Tavern of Morano and Madonnuccia di Morano, where the hard climb of Morano starts. At the km 16 your effort will be rewarded by the enchanting view over the surrounding valleys that you can admire from this raised spot. After about a kilometre of apparently flat ground, start your downhill towards Assisi, until km 19.5; here turn right towards Casacastalda. Go on until the junction for Collemincio and keep on the left side; at km 19.5 keep to the right side going down towards Casa Castalda.

After the steep and tortuous downhill, at the intersection with the SS318, turn right in the direction of Gualdo and go on downhill for another 3 km. As soon as you see the downhill section, follow the directions towards Gualdo Tadino by taking the SP245 that in less than 10 km will lead you to the town’s gates. At km 41, before going back to Gualdo Tadino, turn right by following the directions to the cycling track and a narrow secondary road will bring you back to the starting point in less than a kilometre.

The mileage of this itinerary is limited, but a certain level of training and proper gears considering the gradients of Valtole and Montemezzo are required in order to pedal through this path.