Signals 2016 – Audiovisual arts and performances

Signals 2016 – Audiovisual arts and performances

The waves and their sound will be the protagonists of the international festival "Segnali 2016 – Arti audiovisive e performance" (Signals 2016 – Audiovisual arts and performances), scheduled with its sixth edition in Perugia, from the 2nd to the 6th May.


From the sound of gravitational waves to the audio-vision of brain waves, the calendar encompasses five days of interdisciplinary seminars between music, art and science, workshops, masterclasses, laboratories, electroacoustic improvisations, audio-video concerts, soundtracks additions to movies and musical realistic movies, everything in the presence of European and Italian artists.

Among various guests: the physician Helios Vocca, who is going to talk about how the discovery of gravitational waves sound can open itself to celestial sound dimensions, the art historian Rita Olivieri who is going to deal with "matter, sound and color", the composers Marco Giommoni, Marco Evangelista and Stefano Petrarca who are going to reflect upon the musical thought of the computer era and on the correlations between geometry, mathematics and music.

The festival is going to take place at the Francesco Morlacchi Music Conservatory, the Trebisonda Contemporary Art Centre and the Postmodernissimo Cinema. The entrance is free, while seats last. 

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