playbill autunno a stronconce 2024 - stroncone

Autunno a Stroncone 2024

Autunno a Stroncone (Autumn in Stroncone), an event organised by the Pro Loco di Stroncone in collaboration with the Municipality of Stroncone and I Borghi Piu' Belli D'Italia (Italy's Most Beautiful Villages), will be held from 12 to 27 October.
It will be three weekends dedicated to the flavours and traditions of the territory.
In detail, 12 and 13 October - Mushrooms and Truffles, 19 and 20 October - Wine and Chestnuts, and 25 and 27 October - Bread, Olive Oil and Field Herbs.
During each weekend there will be food and wine stands, musical entertainment, recreational activities and a free shuttle bus will take visitors from the car park, located near the Convento San Francesco, to Piazza della Libertà, where the event will take place.
For more information:
Facebook: ProlocoStroncone

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