Mostra Nazionale del Cavallo - Salone del Turismo Rurale

National Horse Show

The National Horse Show, that will take place from September 9 to 11 in Città di Castello, is rooted in the Middle Ages and is one of the oldest Italian fairs devoted to horses.

The event, born in 1032 in honor of St Florido, will reach its 50th edition this year, and will offer a calendar rich in events and initiatives inspired by the tradition of the horse and the territorial culture.

The Senior European Championship of Traditional Work Saddle will be the heart of the exhibition.

It is a very high-level challenge among the participating nations, that will make the audience feel the inspiring atmosphere of large international limelights through one of the most prestigious appointments of the season.

For the 50th anniversary, there will be also the Gran Gala Night of the Stars that will propose for the first time horses shows inspired by history, culture and traditions of both Città di Castello and Umbria, with new contaminations between equestrian art and gastronomy.

The year's novelty is "Eco-nature", the Fair of Rural Tourism: an appointment aimed at promoting the tourist offer linked to environment, landscape, equestrian tourism and sport tourism.

Conferences, seminars, scientific focuses and B2B workshops will promote quality stays in contact with the nature, through links among tourist facilities, tour operators, associations, specialized press and experts. 

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