Foligno's music friends - 2017 Season

Foligno's music friends - 2017 Season

28 appointments, including 20 concerts, 3 matinees for schools, three summer masterclasses with a final concert and 2 colloquia for a total of about 165 artists, 3 symphony orchestras, 4 chamber orchestras, to name just a few: these are the numbers of the new season of "Foligno's music friends". 

This schedule rich with appointments will include big names on the international scene among classical, contemporary and jazz music, from Bashmet to Canino until Pieranunzi.

On schedule there's also a cycle of four concerts devoted to the history of piano in the jazz, whose organisation and comment on stage are being exceptionally entrusted to Adriano Mazzoletti, the Italian father of the jazz popularisation, whereas the closing is being entrusted to the famous Enrico Piearanunzi.

The official opening, scheduled on the 4th February, will see as protagonists the Perugia's Chamber Orchestra  together with the Metamorphosis Trio, made up by the brothers Angelo and Francesco Pepicelli from Terni and by the violinist Mauro Loguercio, directed by the estense Filippo Maria Bressan.

A year of entertainment is going to accompany you until December, among national and international collaborations, first performances and synergies among arts. 

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