Church of San Francesco, Giano dell'Umbria

Church of San Francesco - Giano dell'Umbria

The Church of San Francesco dates back to the second half of the 13th century.
The exterior, in pinkish ashlar blocks with two sloping roofs, has an facade higher than the original one. 
The facade is decorated by a closed oculus and by a recessed portal.
The interior has a single nave; on the inteiror face of the facade is a wooden organ of 18th century.
The walls are decorated by six (three on each side) wooden altars of the 18th century, adorned with frontals in scagliola of the Tuscan school, painted with floral motifs and surmounted by valuable paintings.
The impressive main altar, with a great Baroque wooden curtain, hides the original apse of the church. 
The apse is decorated with precious frescoes of the 14th century. The chapel of the crucifix preserves a cycle of frescoes attributed to the painter Giovanni Corraduccio from Foligno (14th century).
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