Titolo: Church of Santa Maria Nuova

Church of Santa Maria Nuova

The Church of Santa Maria Nuova is located in the historical centre of Gubbio in the Sant'Andrea quarter, at the juncture of Via Savelli della Porta and Via Nelli.

The church is well worth a visit for the utter simplicity of its exterior, a stone façade in which there is an asymmetric trefoil entranceway, and for such fine works of art it houses, such as the Madonna del Belvedere by Ottaviano Nelli.

Constructed between 1270 and 1280, this church boasts a simple stone façade with an asymmetrical trefoil doorway.

The single-nave church was drastically altered in the 17th  century when all of the art decorating the walls was plastered over.

The only bit that remained exposed was the Madonna del Bevedere by Ottaviano Nelli (15th century), an image much venerated by the local inhabitants and enclosed in a niche.
Frescoes depicting the Annunciation, Crucifixion, Saints and two majesties were eventually uncovered on the counter-façade. Along the right wall is a fresco portraying Christ on the Cross, a Blessing Christ, and a Madonna Enthroned with Child.
Santa Maria Nuova is also interesting for its fine wooden furnishings. There is, for example a 16th century gilded altar from the Church of Sant'Agostino. Another noteworthy piece is the coffin containing the body of St. Ubaldo, which was entirely embellished with images of Saints James and Mariano by Maestro Espressionista di Santa Chiara (16th century).

You can easily reach the historical centre of town leaving your car at the Piazza 40 Martiri parking lot, using the elevators and the daily shuttle service. 

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