Parcs naturels et parcs à thème

Coscerno and Aspra mountains nature reserve

A rich land to explore

Are you lovers of animal watching? Do you like to immerse yourselves in nature and seek authentic experiences? There are places, far from the stresses of daily life, where you will able to find some much needed peace. Today we recommend a park located in Umbria, between the valley of the river Nera, the Fissino gorge, and Spoleto.

Here we find the nature reserve of the Coscerno and Aspra mountains, a haven where still today it is possible to pick blueberries, see eagles from up close, and walk among pristine forests.

One of the area's peculiarities is the fact that its rocky mountainsides are covered in holly oak trees, some of which can rise up to 400 metres in height. But there are also kinds of trees that are more typical of mountainous terrains, such as maples and beech trees, which especially in the autumn create a magical atmosphere made up of intense colours: from red to yellow, from orange to amaranth.

But looking further up beyond the woods one can see the heaths of Mount Coscerno: dozens of hectares of spontaneous vegetation. With a little patience and dedication, it is possible to reach an elevation where one walks among lilies, violets, gentians and fritillaries.

And there's more to plants and flowers: the area's wildlife is amongst the most varied in central Italy. Three species in particular have always inhabited these impervious lands and have thus become an integral part of local history: the royal eagle, the wolf, and the Apennine rock partridge.

All this is made possible by the purity of the Valnerina, an ideal place to spend your time, especially if you're accompanied by a specialized guide who will show you the area's secrets and hidden corners. 

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