Abbazia di Sant'Eutizio
Valnerina à découvrir

Excursion in the Valnerina from the Abbey of Sant'Eutizio to Cerreto di Spoleto

If a nice long hike is what you love, then this route from the Abbey of Sant'Eutizio to Cerreto di Spoleto, surrounded by nature and little hamlets along the way, is the thing for you. 

The hike starts at the Abbey of Sant'Eutizio. With the abbey behind you, follow the trail that goes up along the edge of the building, once on the paved road continue right and turn left at the crossroads, following the signs for Collescille. Right after a rural building with a big tree, leave the paved road and turn onto the trail to the left. After the Santo Spes church, the oldest of Preci, go straight and when it joins the paved road again turn right towards Saccovescio.

Turn left and then follow the paved road uphill. You'll find yourself in Castelvecchio. Walk about town until you find the signs to San Vito, fifty metres onwards, and after having crossed a stream, get on the dirt road on the right that goes along the edge of the stream. When you get to San Lazzaro, continue straight into the woods. Stay on the left-hand trail and turn right onto the paved road, and then left again to go to Bagni di Triponzo. If you need a rest, this is the place. Relax in the waters of the thermal baths and maybe even in the steam room. Then get back on the path and follow the dirt road towards Triponzo. Take care here, this part of the trail is very exposed and may be slippery if wet, another good reason to wear good hiking boots.

Go through the centre of Triponzo, then turn right on the SS209 (a paved road), cross over and then turn right onto another dirt road. You have reached your destination: the centre of Cerreto di Spoleto. Cerreto gets its name from the great oak trees (cerre) here and the lovely little town is well worth a visit. The historic centre and castle are in the area where the Nera, Vigi and Tissino rivers meet. Legend has it that the town was founded in the 800s by the Franks who had come south in the wake of Charlemagne to fight the powerful Longobard stewards of nearby Ponte. While here, enjoy a crescionda, a simple but delicious dessert as soft as a pudding and made with eggs, flour, chocolate and sugar.