Valnerina à découvrir

Hiking in Valnerina: the loop walk around Monte Meraviglia

Do you enjoy nature walks? Follow the great loop trail around Monte Meraviglia, near Cascia.

Wear sturdy walking shoes and carry a backpack with your camera, drinking water and a snack, for example, a sandwich made with the famous local pork products known as "norcineria." You are now ready for your hike in the Valnerina, along the trail of the great loop around Monte Meraviglia: a walk around the base of the mountain most loved by the locals, one that takes you past ancient farmhouses and through cool shady woods.


Your hike begins at Onelli, near Cascia. Take the paved road that leads to Cascia and after about 2.3 km take the road to the left towards Località Casali Sant'Antonio. In springtime, the colours here are like a painter's palette. Continue upwards and follow the directions for the agriturismo. Past the fountain to the left you will reach a fork in the road: take the dirt road to the left. Don't be scared off of the steepness – take a deep breath and keep a steady pace. This is the most difficult part of the trail, but it is well worth the effort for the beautiful scenery. Never lose sight of the signs along the trail which will lead you to the great cement aqueduct. Once here, turn left towards Casale Costabella. Continue for three hundred metres and at the crossroads follow the road that slopes slightly to the right. Along this part of the trail you will see, on both sides, old farmhouses with their haylofts and living quarters on the first floor and the stalls for animals on the ground floor.


After about 3 km you will reach another fork and on the right you will see Casale Tetella, a recently restored building. But keep going left, climbing upwards. Along this trail, after about 2 km, you will be at the crossroads of Onelli, turn right and continue towards the Church of San Sisto, where we began our hike. Stop to visit the church. It was built in the XIVth century and a Renaissance portico was later added whose arches were subsequently closed. Take a minute to contemplate the church from outside, set like a jewel in the perfect silence of the green of Monte Meraviglia.