Escalade et spéléologie

Climbing at Mt. Pale of Foligno

The climbing routes at Mt. Pale of Foligno

The rock face: although for many it is a daunting prospect, it is the best friend of every climber. We suggest you explore Mt. Pale of Foligno, a favourite of Umbrian climbers, and climbers from around the world.


The Pale rock face is very large and has a many graded routes, ranging from grade 4c to 7c+ (V to IX+ following the UIAA scale), thus suited to everyone from experts to beginners on their first ascent.


The little medieval town of Pale is just a few kilometres from Foligno. Leave your car here, a ten minute walk will take you to the bottom of the cliff. The 157 equipped walls are along a trail that leads from the town to the hermitage of Santa Maria Giacobbe, located at the top of Mount Pale. The first sector is known as the l'Uccellessa. It is the easiest to reach and has the most low-to medium difficulty climbing routes. The more difficult climbs can be found further along the road. If you are an expert, get to the areas on the higher part and start your ascent along the route: the higher you get the better the view of the Sanctuary of Santa Maria Giacobbe. If you simply want to visit this enchanted spot, famous for being entirely carved into the rock face, you can follow a path that takes you to the top. If you look down while you are climbing, on the other hand, you will enjoy a breathtaking panorama: the valley in which the Topino River flows.

If walking uphill is not your thing, go down and, after a ten minute walk, you'll get to an area where the Menotre River turns into a series of small waterfalls.

You can enjoy this rock face most of the year, but we suggest avoid climbing up it in the summer months because, facing south, it really is very hot and exposed.

You'll be hungry when you get back down from your climb, so take this opportunity to try some delicious lamb with black truffles, a great dish to be enjoyed in Foligno.