Ocriculum Archaeological Park

Ocriculum Archaeological Park and Casale St. Fulgenzio Antiquarium - Otricoli

The remains of the ancient Roman town, crossed by the Flaminia road and lapped by a bend of the Tiber, are located in a natural landscape of significant beauty, perfect synthesis of archaeology and nature that remained unchanged throughout centuries.

The main monuments of the ancient Roman settlement are currently clearly visible in the town of Ocriculum, that can be visited through pedestrian trails: the area of the Forum and the Basilica, the huge monument of the Great Substructures, the Theatre, the Baths, a monumental entrance pylon, a big Nymphaeum, a paved section of the Ancient Flaminia road overlooked by a rounded funerary Monument and a public spring, the Amphitheatre, huge funerary monuments and, on the right of the Roman town, along the Flaminia State Road, the archaic Necropolis (7th century B.


An integral part of the itinerary is the visit to the Casale St. Fulgenzio Antiquarium, with a hall dedicated to educational laboratories and a permanent archaeological exhibition made of artefacts found during the excavation campaigns carried out in the Ocriculum archaeological area from 1960 to 2005. Notably interesting, among the archaeological artefacts on exhibit, are pre-Roman bucchero pottery, decorative terracotta pieces, bricks, cinerary urns, portraits and marble sculptures.  

Schedules of the Guided Tours of the Ocriculum Archeaological Park

From November to March: only upon booking

From April to October

Saturday, Sunday and Holiday: 10 am and 5 pm

On weekdays and at times other than those indicated above, only upon reservation

Opening time of the Casale St. Fulgenzio Antiquarium

From October to March

Saturday, Sunday and Holiday: 3 - 6 pm


From April to September

Saturday, Sunday and holiday: 10 am - 12.30 pm/ 5 - 7.30 pm

On weekdays and at times other than those indicated above, only upon reservation


Email address: info@comune.otricoli.tr.it – agnesenunzi@hotmail.it

Phone number: 0744 719628 – 329.9482481

Website: www.comune.otricoli.tr.it 

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