Easter in Foligno

Easter in Foligno


One of the most inspiring processions will take place on the Holy Friday in Colfiorito (Foligno). Its roots date back to the Middle Ages and see the participation of characters such as Penitents (dressed with a dark purple sack and heavy chains around their feet), Crusaders (bearing crosses covered with paper lit inside with candles) and members of the Confraternity. 


The procession of the Dead Christ in Bevagna, on the Holy Friday, has probably its origins in 1500. Characters, all in costume, are the three cross-bearers (representing the red-dressed Christ and the two black-dressed thieves), the Magdalene and Veronica, the Mercy's Confraternity (with black gown and purple belt) and the Three Marys.

Instead, the race of the risen Christ will take place on the holy Sunday: on the Easter's Day four members of the Confraternity will carry on the shoulders the statue of the Risen Christ from the Seminar's Church to St. Michael's Church.

At the time the priest will intone the Glory, the statue will be carried at a run along the church's central nave and deposited in front of the altar. The "Re-Bow" will be also celebrated on the same day: the event will involve the encounter between the statues of Christ and our Lady, supported by bearers. Bells will play to party at the moment the bow will take place. 



Beyond the liturgical celebrations and the religious traditions, on the Easter's Monday the "Umbria railing" in the Municipal Square will renew the appointment with the "Ciuccetta competition".

This is a very original local event involving a race between two opponents bearing fresh eggs.

The challenger must hit, with the tip of his egg, the one of the other "ciuccettaro", in order to break it without breaking his own one. The winner is the one who broke with the same egg more eggs than the opponents.

The historical group "Montefalco town" will be also present and will animate the day with flags' games and drum rolls.

Furthermore the Easter's Concert, conducted by M. Michele Mangani, will be always held on the Easter's Monday,  at the St. Francis' Museum.

Lastly, Montefalco is going to host, all over the Easter's weekend, "Sagrantino Lands", the market exhibition devoted to Umbrian food, wine and handicraft excellencies. 



The "Author's Stations of the Cross" is returning in Spello from the 13th to the 18th April: the 14 stations celebrating the Christ's passion will inspire national and international artists who, for the occasion, will make paintings to place in some parts of the ancient town, turning it in a big art gallery. 

For further information: www.prospello.it


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