Baroque Signs Festival

Baroque Signs Festival

The “Baroque Signs Festival” is returning from the 2nd to the 27th September in Foligno: more than three weeks of events linked to the Quintana Carousel and that will transform Foligno in the Baroque Town. 

Many are the appointments on schedule: the performances are going to start on Sunday 3rd September, at the Candiotti Palace, with the performance of the master’s pupils on the Baroque music.


Don’t miss out, on Saturday 9th September, the Baroque Night during which shops, restaurants, museums and taverns of the Quintana Carousel’s districts will be open and will be animated with games, shows and travelling musical groups.

The schedule also includes three conferences, beyond music, cinema and theatre.

On Friday 22nd September the Festival will move to Trevi with a project devoted to the exchange between Jazz, World Music and Baroque. 

For further information:

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