L’Ombrie en moto

The hairpin bends of monte Peglia on motorbike

Monte Peglia on a motorbike: a tour with hairpin bends
Following this tour, you'll discover the woods of Monte Peglia and its gentle slopes, leaving from the town of Marsciano and finishing the trip in marvellous Orvieto. To start on the right note, grab a coffee in one of the bars in the centre of Marsciano, then get in the saddle and take the SS317 towards San Venanzo and Monte Peglia.


The route is a continuous series of bends, ups and downs, through pine forests and woods: passing through San Venanzo, the SS 317 will take you to the summit of Monte Peglia. Near this hamlet you can visit the Museo Vulcanologico, which reveals the particular volcanic origins of the surrounding landscape. You can take a walk in a volcanic park, along a route inside the old lava flow and have a look around the museum to discover the different types of rocks and minerals. Not everyone knows of the village's volcanic origins or of the existence of a rock that is typical of the place, called ‘venanzite'.


The peak of Monte Peglia is just beyond the hamlet of Ospedaletto. From here you can enjoy a wide view over the Tiber Valley and if you are lucky enough to find a clear day, you'll also be able to see the Mountains of Giano, Terminillo, Vettore, and Subasio.

Near to Ospedaletto, take a break at the Parco dei Sette Frati (one of the most popular areas to stop off because of its specially equipped area for barbecues and picnics) then continue through Colonnetta di Prodo, Capretta, San Giorgio, until you reach Orvieto Scalo.

Once you've arrived in Orvieto, enjoy a delicious lunch in the town and then visit the famous Duomo, the Pozzo di San Patrizio, the ruins of the fourteenth century Fortezza Albornoziana and the famous Torre del Moro.