Trevi, history, art and local products

Trevi, history, art and local products

Trevi is a small medieval village perched on a hill covered in Olive trees in the east-central part of Umbria, between Foligno and Spoleto
Inside the walls, between the houses, buildings and narrow streets, you will discover the thirteenth-century town hall, restored several times, next to which stands the majestic fourteenth-century tower, symbol of the ancient municipality, crowned with corbels and four merlons at the summit.
Heading along Via San Francesco we arrive at the museum complex of San Francesco, which includes the Gothic church, erected to honour the saint who had preached in the town of Trevi in 1213, and the convent, in which the museum complex is located.
From here, through the characteristic medieval street dedicated to Carlo Amici, we arrive at the Romanesque church of Sant'Emiliano, built in the twelfth century and featuring three apses. 
In front of the church of Sant'Emiliano stands the Renaissance Palazzo Lucarini palace, one of the most prestigious buildings in Trevi and home of the Flash Art Museum, which hosts international exhibitions of contemporary art. Outside the town walls, the Fabri Villa will amaze you with its frescoes and garden overlooking the plain of Spoleto.
Trevi transmits its typical medieval charm throughout the year. In spring and summer, the mild climate offers the opportunity to enjoy numerous walks; the events and typical gatherings are concentrated in autumn: don't miss out on the Palio dei Terzieri race in October; this race between the three carts representing the terzieri, evokes the sacking and destruction of Trevi, which occurred in 1214 at the hands of the Spoleto people. For the occasion, the people of the village dress up in typical medieval clothes, creating a wonderful atmosphere.
Also in October there is the " Black Celery and Sausage exhibition market" and the historic re-enactment " Scenes of medieval life". " Frantoi Aperti", in November, celebrates a typical product of excellence, olive oil, and gives you the opportunity to discover and taste it in the mill itself
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