Monte cucco
Parcs naturels et parcs à thème

Discover the Park of Monte Cucco, a journey through nature.

Hiking in the Park of Monte Cucco

We suggest you drive towards the north-west of Umbria, along the Apennine range which marks the boundary with the Marches. There you will find an area dominated by dense woods which delineate the Park of Monte Cucco, rich in natural beauty and history, well worth a day trip or longer stay.

Plan your trip before you leave, think about how you would like to spend the day and which activities you would enjoy. 

To orient yourself there two cities, both important from an historical and artistic point of view, that delineate the territory: Gubbio to the north and Gualdo Tadino to the south. They are well worth a visit and could be just the right destination for your trip.

Getting there: follow the Via Flaminia which crosses this region from north to south. A stop in one of the towns along the way is a must for history buffs and non, the fortifications of the ancient castle of Costacciaro are impressive. In the town of the same name there is a Borgo Didattico, (a learning centre) together with the Centre for Speleological Excursions. Here you can learn about the environment, and the work being done to safeguard the heritage of this area through knowledge of its art, history and natural landscape. For more information about the Centre, visit our page.

Monte Cucco, the most impressive summit of the mountain range, is not far away. You can reach it by car and hike to the top along one of the marked trails, but don't miss a visit to the famous Grotta del Monte Cucco, one of the largest Karstic formations in Italy, comprising thirty kilometres of galleries where strange rock formations have been shaped by underground streams.

For a midday meal you can use the on-site barbecue facilities or enjoy a meal of local dishes, like the "cicerchie", a rare legume typical of this area that is delicious and full of nutrients.

For those of you who practice extreme sports, the unique geological characteristics of Monte Cucco offer a variety of experiences: caving (for details see CENS), canyoning and paragliding. Then plan a day of adventure and experience the thrill of a descent into the gorge of Rio Freddo, which winds through the rocks towards Pascelupo. Don't forget to bring your helmet!