Le Chemin de saint François

Via di Roma: from La Verna to Rome in the footsteps of St Francis of Assisi

From La Verna to Assisi and Rome through the Sacred Valley of Rieti

A unique journey of around 500 km, incorporating La Verna, Assisi, the Holy Valley of Rieti and Rome

The Via di Francesco - Via di Roma, between Tuscany, Umbria and Lazio, link together "places" that witnessed the life and teachings of St Francis of Assisi.

The 23 stages of the journey, with a choice of several detours, start from the sacred mountain of La Verna. The journey takes you to places that St Francis passed through and prayed in: the hermitage of Montecasale, Sansepolcro, Citerna, Città di Castello, Pietralunga, Gubbio and Valfabbrica, ending in Assisi. Here you will have the opportunity to rest and meditate at the tomb of St Francis in the Basilica dedicated to him. However, we recommend finding time to visit the many places that preserve the memory of his life and message.

Then on to Rome, crossing the Spoleto Valley, much loved by Francis, who exclaimed: Nihil iucundius vidi valle mea spoletana (I've never seen anything more pleasing than my spoletina valley). Abbeys, churches and monasteries testify to the spiritual charm of this stretch of the Way, which passes through historical towns rich in art and history: Spello, Foligno, Trevi and Spoleto. You continue across the Valnerina valley through the villages of Ceselli, Arrone and Piediluco. It is possible to take a detour to Terni and the Marmore Waterfall.

Leaving Umbria for Lazio, the Way leads you to the main sanctuaries in the Holy Valley of Rieti, much loved by Francis: Greccio; Fonte Colombo; La Foresta and Poggio Bustone. From Rieti, you will start the last 100 km towards Rome, the cradle of Christianity and the destination of pilgrims from all over the world.

On the website www.viadifrancesco.it, you will find all the stages, with maps, descriptions of the route, gradients, GPS coordinates and a list of resting places and specialised accommodation for pilgrims. Don't forget to ask for the Pilgrim's Card.



The Tuscany section of the Via di Francesco is indicated by CAI signage (white and red signs). In Umbria and Lazio, the path is well signposted with the colours of the Way: yellow and blue signs will guide you first to Assisi, then into the Holy Valley of Rieti and on to Rome.