Scheggia e Pascelupo

In the heart of Mt. Cucco Park


The area's development was due to the military and economic importance of its position, but after the fall of the Roman Empire, this was also the cause of violent clashes between the Goths and the Byzantines (6th century) and later fighting between Gubbio, Perugia, the Montefeltro family and the Church.

Starting in the 15th century, the Church took possession, and maintained its rule over the area until the Unification of Italy. The merging of two municipalities, Scheggia and Pascelupo, into a single administrative center took place in 1870 with the aim of optimizing resources and structures.



The earliest name for Scheggia was "Ad Hensem," related to events connected with the Flaminian Way, along which a Roman temple dedicated to Jupiter Penninus is believed to have been built.

There are numerous Benedictine and Camaldolite abbeys in the northeastern part of the municipal territory: the Abbey of SS. Emiliano e Bartolomeo in Congiuntoli (12th century), with a double nave divided by tall octagonal pilasters, while the primitive early church consists of a single room with a barrel vault ceiling. Near Isola Fossara, in the valley of the Artino gully, is the Abbey of Santa Maria di Sitria, founded in the early 11th century by St. Romuald: the present day Romanesque church, which dates from the 12th-13th century, has a barrel-vaulted single nave and a raised presbytery with a crypt below supported by a single Roman column with a Corinthian capital. Near Pascelupo, the San Girolamo Hermitage stands on the steep slope of the Rio Freddo gully, at the base of a natural amphitheater of very high limestone walls.

The area is of great natural interest, with the entire municipal territory lying in middle of Mt. Cucco Regional Park, between Mt. Catria and Mt. Cucco. The impressive gorges and valleys, the pure waters and pristine nature make this an ideal destination for excursionists and outdoor sports enthusiasts.

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Images de Scheggia e Pascelupo