Terni Film Festival: the flavours of cinema

A journey through cinema, wine and Franciscanism in southern Umbria. This is what the first stage of Umbria, i sapori del cinema, the itinerant festival promoted by the Region of Umbria in collaboration with the Rete dei festival di cinema dell'Umbria, which opens from 20 to 22 September between Terni and Orvieto, offers.

Organised by Istess, the first stage of the festival includes nature trails between the Rupe of Orvieto and the Marmore Falls, film trails in the Papigno studios, recitals, concerts, tastings and screenings of great classics directed by the masters of Italian cinema, but also an immersive experience inside a film set.

In fact, the festival will host the shooting of the film La leggenda dei tre compagni (The Legend of the Three Companions), written, produced and interpreted by Francesco Salvi together with many Umbrian actors such as Cecilia Di Giuli and Luisa Borini, in which the transformation of water into wine by Francis of Assisi in the Hermitage of Sant'Urbano in Narni is recounted.

Contacts: segreteria@istess.it