Affiorante playbill


From 11 July to 21 September 2024, you can visit Federica Bartoli's solo exhibition 'Affiorante', curated by Chiara Guidoni, at Indigo Art Gallery in Perugia.
Federica Bartoli carries out explorations in her maps. The resulting stratification is necessary to reach the goal, or rather, to create the path. The artist often refers to water, but rarely navigates or plunges into darkness: being interested in the investigation of relationships, she prefers to observe combinations between elements, rather than the absolute element.
In front of her works one feels that sense of familiarity that one feels in front of certain landscapes: a shape or a colour begins to resonate in our memory, provoking a sense of nostalgia and well-being.
Bartoli of the abstract grasps the sense of voluntary reductionism of a complexity that is experienced collectively and of which the painter decides to recall the aura, to blur the contours, to make it again universal in perception, but personal in consequence and elaboration. 
"Affiorante" is a space, a place to cross, an exhibition that wants to surround and embrace, to show sunsets, cliffs, lagoons, imaginaries and visions. 
For more information:
Facebook: Indigoperugia

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