Antiquarium del Teatro romano a Gubbio

The Antiquarium of the Roman Theater - Gubbio

Of the four preserved rooms, the largest shows a mosaic reproducing a geometrical pattern framing a scene of Ulysses and Scylla from Homer's Odyssey.

The mosaic was executed by assembling small polychrome tesserae, in a type of mosaic-work called Opus Vermiculatum, inspired by Hellenic painting models. The rest of the display is focused on the history and development of the town and the territory, all documented with panels and materials from excavations in town and the necropolis. The three black Kraters—a shape of Greek vase —come from the Necropolis of San Biagio, in use between the 7th and 2nd centuries B.C. and are reminiscent of elegant metallic forms. Information

Via del Teatro Romano
06024 - Gubbio (PG)

Fonte Regione Umbria - Servizio Musei e soprintendenza ai beni librari

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