
Excursion to the Mergani and the Inghiottitoio in the Pian Grande

Excursion to the Mergani and the Inghiottitoio in the Pian Grande

Discover the beautiful natural landscape around Castelluccio: a relaxed trip amongst beech-trees, woods and water basins in the heart of Umbria.

Length: about 3 km

Duration: about 2 hours

Highest elevation: irrelevant

Difficulty level: easy

Are you looking for a spring itinerary? Or a suitable path for snowshoeing with friends? In either case, this is the place for you: let us take you to the environs of Castelluccio, one of Umbria's greenest gems.

The starting point is the Pian Grande, a natural plain criss-crossed by paths and ancient mule-tracks. Near pastures, the area also features beech-tree woods, which are still stunning even though they have diminished in size over time.

The area, completely uninhabited save for two farms, originated with the sinking of the limestone ground surface. This event is testified by the Margani trench, which we come across on our trip. Continuing down our path, we reach the so-called Inghiottitoio (‘swallower'), a rocky depression which holds rain-water and snow-melt.

This itinerary is suitable for expert walkers but also for amateurs: the path can be taken on even by those with little track-record and lasts about two hours. nbsp