
A round-trip of Castelluccio in Val di Canatra

A round-trip of Castelluccio in Val di Canatra

To fully enjoy a landscape, it is often best to walk through it. Taking it in step by step, you will discover magical corners, and fall in love with ‘slow travel'.

This itinerary begins and ends in the town of Castelluccio, a small village which has inhabited since Roman times, as shown by terracotta fragments uncovered in the area of Soglio, near the springs of Canatra. The town's alleys and narrow streets wind up and down between the houses perched on the hillside: a real feast for the eyes. The village was severely damaged in 2016 but residents have a warm welcome for visitors.

We exit the town and walk down the path flanking mount Veletta, a low hill topped by an iron cross. We reach the pass of the same name and continue to walk down the main path. Once we reach Poggio di Croce, we can take a break in this ancient castle which still preserves its original gateway and bell-tower. Just outside the walls we find the church of St. Egidio and the church of St. Annunziata, which contains an important fresco by the Florentine artist Giovanni del Biondo.

We begin our descent towards Colle Bernardo, and then towards Val di Canatra, a wood dividing mount Lieto and Castelluccio.

We continue down this path until it turns into a paved road. Following the climb towards the south-east, we return to our starting point, tired but rewarded by the beauty of what we have seen. nbsp nbsp