Biennale Internazionale di Fiber Art contemporanea playbill - Valtopina

Biennale Internazionale di Fiber Art contemporanea

The 2nd edition of the International Biennial of Contemporary Fiber Art entitled ‘RADICI, METAMORFOSI, MESCOLANZE’, curated by Barbara Pavan, will take place from 6 September to 8 December 2024, at the Museum of Embroidery and Textiles in Valtopina. 
The Biennial, which will have an ideal connection with the Exhibition of Embroidery and Textiles, will qualify as a workshop of cultural proposals and a showcase of contemporary art, and will be dedicated to wide-ranging reflections on our time, i.e. the meaning that is given today and will be given in the future to terms such as identity, individuality, plurality, globalisation and multiculturalism.
There will be 31 participating artists from all over the world, investigating a changing present, trying to imagine its evolution through an approach that combines contemporary art with textile techniques and materials and with scientific and technological research, philosophical speculation, and social and political figures. 
On show will be the works of Elham M. Aghili, Luciana Aironi, Jorgelina Alessandrelli, Jacobo Alonso, Brigitte Amarger, Mariantonietta Bagliato, Silvia Beccaria, Isobel Blank, Lea Contestabile, Carla Crosio, Kinga Földi, Patrizia Fratus, Monica Giovinazzi, Raija Jokinen, Patricia Kelly, Anikó Kovács Csonga, Deborah Kruger, Margherita Levo Rosenberg, Florencia Martinez, Nanon Morsink, Guido Nosari, Federica Patera and Andrea Sbra Perego, Sonia izn Piscicelli, Elena Redaelli, Giulia Spernazza, Olga Teksheva, Xénia Tóth, Alessandro Turoni, Davide Viggiano, Izabela Walczak, Tania Welz.
For more information:
Facebook: Biennale Internazionale di Fiber Art Contemporanea

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