Parco di Colfiorito

Birdwatching in Colfiorito Park

An unusual tour through the mountain marshland

Binoculars, walking shoes and a notebook

From Foligno take the Statale 77 in the direction of Civitanova Marche, and when you reach the town of Colfiorito, look for directions to the Parco di Colfiorito. Only part of the nature Museum is currently open, awaiting final systematisation: here you can gain a better understanding of the balance of this ecosystem.
The day begins with a welcome from the guides: you will be introduced to information about the region and the bird life through an interactive journey. At this point, you get back in the car and take the local Forcatura road to reach the protected area of the Park. Remember to put your binoculars around your neck when you get out of the car, but more importantly, make sure you have properly waterproofed hiking shoes: you will certainly need them!

From March to September is the best time to observe the "winged tenants" of the marshlands, which occupy the most significant area of seven mountain basins, the bed of ancient lakes that have dried up both naturally and by the hand of man.
The first stop is at Casa del Mollaro, where a video station has been installed that broadcasts live images of some areas of the marsh itself. Among the unique characteristics of this place is the sinkhole, one of the many karst developments through which the waters flow out of the marsh sinking into the subsoil. Walking along the edges of the marsh you reach a hut for bird watching: a vantage point to appreciate rare or endangered species such as the Bittern, the Little Bittern, the Purple Heron or the Reed Warbler.
Throughout most of the year you can see Mallards, Coots, Moorhens, Grey Herons, Marsh Harriers and Penduline tits.

If you still have the energy and the time, there are other observation points in Fagiolaro, Croce Cassicchio and Fonte Fontaccia. In the period from May to June you should not miss out on the popular flowering of the fields painted in red, yellow, lilac and a thousand other sparkling shades. The best souvenir that can be found along the roads dotted with tractors and stalls is the celebrated Colfiorito red potato, a certified PGI product.