Castel San Felice

Castel San Felice

Castel San Felice is a hamlet of the municipality of Sant’Anatolia di Narco located on the top of a hill near the Nera River. This small town, which still retains its original building conformation as a fortified centre, owes its name to the figure of Saint Felice, a Syrian monk who in the 6th century, together with his father Mauro, chose to retire to a contemplative life in a cave near the river.

In the centuries that followed, the growing veneration for the two hermits and their miraculous feats, such as the legendary slaying of the dragon that haunted the area, led to the birth of a small cenobitic community and a small settlement.

At the end of the 12th century, the Abbey of Saints Felice and Mauro was built on the site where the hermit community had sprung up, while the nucleus of habitation gathered on the hill above, giving rise to the fortified castle.

Today it is still possible to admire the original building layout, characterised by narrow alleys connected by steep stairways. Inside the castle is the Church of St Sebastian, located near the eastern entrance gate. From the western gate, on the other hand, there is a splendid view of the abbey below and the recently restored bridge over the Nera River. From this point begins the “La Pia” path, so called for the local name given to the small church of Santa Maria di Narco, located along the approximately 1.5 km-long route to Sant’Anatolia di Narco.

In past centuries, Castel San Felice represented a point of passage between the routes connecting the municipalities of Sant’Anatolia di Narco and Vallo di Nera, a role maintained even in more recent times, as evidenced by the presence of one of the tollbooths of the historic Spoleto-Norcia railway, now converted into a cycle-pedestrian route. Near the tollgate also begins the road that, crossing other hamlets in the municipality such as Grotti and Tassinare, was the main link between the Valnerina and Spoleto before the opening of the Forca di Cerro Tunnel.

The Campani brothers from Castel San Felice

Inside the abbey of Saints Felice and Mauro is the tombstone of Angelo Campani, father of Matteo (1620), Pier Tommaso (1625) and Giuseppe (1635). These brothers, born in Castel San Felice, are the protagonists of an interesting yet little-known chapter of local history.

Having moved to Rome at a young age, they quickly became famous in the ecclesiastical world thanks to their studies in astronomy, optics and mechanics. They left as evidence of their ingenuity numerous manuscripts and inventions, which can still be found today in numerous museums and private collections in Italy and around the world. Among their most important works are the telescopes designed by Giuseppe Campani, which made it possible to observe Jupiter’s satellites and Saturn’s rings for the first time in 1664-1665, or the silent clocks called “notturni” (nocturnals) created for Pope Alexander VII.

Castel San Felice and its “Springtime in Valnerina”

Walking in the shadow of the abbey, it is easy to imagine how the first monks, gathered around the legendary figure of Saint Felice, chose this place to live in harmony with nature, probably also dedicating themselves to the collection of spontaneous medicinal plants that grow luxuriantly here!

In many corners one can find plants such as the wild thyme (Thymus serpyllum), which - as its botanical name suggests - snakes over the nearby travertine rock walls on which the abbey rests, the plantain, which grows along the river and is a useful remedy against mosquito bites, and the celandine, whose latex was used as a beauty remedy to erase skin spots.

The Judas tree, which seems to have been introduced by the Syrian monks led by Saint Mauro, also thrives in the unspoilt nature that surrounds Castel San Felice and the entire Valnerina.

This link between history and nature is reflected in the annual event “Primavera in Valnerina”, the floricultural fair-market organised by the municipality of Sant’Anatolia di Narco between the end of April and the beginning of May. An event that transforms the Abbey lawn into a riot of colours, celebrating the beauty of spring in the splendid setting offered by this place rich in history and spirituality.

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