Titolo: Collegiate Church of San Nicolò

Collegiate Church of San Nicolò

It is one of the oldest churches in Stroncone and we know that in 1181 the Consuls of Stroncone donated it to the abbey of San Benedetto in fundis

The donation is marked by a wall plaque to the left of the door, engraved in rough Latin curial: "Nos consulibus stronconiensis cum omni populo facimus donationemin ecclesia S. Benedicti de ista ecclesia S. Nicolai pro redemptione anime nostri tempore Jacinti Abbatis 1185".

The disagreement between the two dates could be attributed to the fact that the plaque was placed four years after the donation. Over the centuries, the church underwent restorations that completely altered the original architectural lines. Only the main entrance, decorated with Byzantine bas-reliefs and a panel of the Coronation of the Virgin, by Rinaldo di Calvi, one of the best students of Lo Spagna, is still original. In the bas-relief, note the elegant frieze which, starting from the mouth of an animal at the bottom of the right jamb, runs along the entire lintel and ends in a group of leaves at the bottom of the left jamb, supported by an Attic base.


The door is surmounted by a stone archivolt with a raised arch and in the centre of the architrave is carved the mystical lamb with eagles at the two corners that together with the lamb repeat the development of the frieze in smaller dimensions. Inside you can admire paintings and frescoes of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, a tabernacle of holy oils, marble and good workmanship and, in the sacristy, a beautiful polyptych, depicting the coronation of the Virgin by Rinaldo da Calvi (1520-1521).

Source: Turismo Stroncone

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