Titolo: Collegiata di Santa Maria - Cascia

Collegiata di Santa Maria - Cascia

The collegiate church of Santa Maria is situated in Cascia within the walled perimeter, next to the Leonine gate.
Built in the twelfth century (in the north wall contains the remains of the original Romanesque structure) was rebuilt in the Gothic style (even this makeover is lost) and again in 1532.

The facade, topped by a gable, has two portals (1535 and 1621), a niche with a sixteenth century fresco depicting Saint Sebastian and the Madonna della Quercia, and in addition to a stone lion, part of the ancient portico (the other, removed from the façade in 1621, when the second door was opened, is now in the square).
The interior, a central nave and two side aisles, is covered by a cross-vault and a sixteenth-century layout, with wooden altars and polychrome stucco of the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries.
In the counterfaçade is a Deposition by Nicola da Siena, and a fifteenth-century Nativity. In the right aisle, the first altar presents the Peace of Casciani, a panel in the Mannerist style with wooden frame, and the dais by Gaspare and Camillo Angelucci.
There are others altars to St. Anne, St. Leonard and St. Nicola and the Madonna del Soccorso (seventeenth century).
There are frescoes with Stories of St. Charles and the Madonna and Child, at the bottom of the nave.
In the left aisle are the Mysteries of the Rosary by Nicholas Frangipani (1538).
According to legend, St. Rita was baptized in the church's baptismal font in 1381.

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