Umbrian skies hang gliding
Air sports

Umbrian skies hang gliding

In free flight to appreciate this Region from the top, like tourists or sportsmen, in tandem or in lone.

Take a short running start, brace yourselves and start flying over countryside and villages.

It doesn’t take much to fly in hang – gliding: you just need good weather, a slope where you can take off, a good deal of bravery and a great desire to see the world from the top. Ascending currents and the experience (yours, or of the instructor that goes with you) will do the rest, to live a fantastic experience!

In Italy there are not so many places to do this kind of sport, but if you want hang gliding in Umbria there is plenty of choice.

Tappa 1
Cucco Mount and Sibillini Mounts

Cucco Mount and Sibillini Mounts: the heights of the Umbrian Apennines are very suitable to do this sport as hang – gliding and paragliding, thanks to the ground conditions that make easy taking off and landing for those who enjoy these disciplines. The Cucco Mount, in particular, thanks to its ascending currents is one of the most appreciated flying sites by fans, enough to host many times the European and World Championship of this discipline.

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Tappa 2
Castelluccio di Norcia

Castelluccio di Norcia: it is very famous among insiders, Castelluccio for many years hosts a school operating in organization of hang – gliding courses for people of all ages and all levels of experience. Add to all this the wonderful landscape of the Plaines and of the Vettore Mount and it will be not so easy to resist the temptation of doing it!

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Tappa 3

Terni: you can take advantage of heights just to the north of the town to take off and take an hang – gliding ride along an area which normally is not considered for this specialty. But those who try will have no regrets: how many people can say they have sawn the Marmore Waterfalls from the top? 

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