Taste routes

A day in Amelia and Orvieto, between history and taste

An itinerary exploring Umbria's typical produce, artisanship and traditions: from Amelia to Orvieto

Tired of the usual Sunday outings? Looking for a truly unique and surprising destination? Let us take you to discover the true heart of Umbria, where art, tradition and culture are all of course prominent, but where you will also find typical products and recipes that speak for the land.

We start our tour in Amelia, a town built atop a hill and surrounded by green expanses of holms and olive trees. The town, founded by the Etruscan king Amerroes centuries before Christ, has not lost any of its charm. Its great Mura Ciclopiche (Cyclopean Walls), dating from the 6th century, still enclose the historic centre and protect the churches of San Pancrazio and San Francesco, as well as the Duomo.

Further enriching the itinerary we find the local culinary excellences. Let us start by suggesting a session of oil sampling: the terrain and mild climate make olive cultivation here very fruitful. A good bruschetta, made from toasted bread and garlic, is a perfect snack to try before getting back to path.

If instead you're thirsty, try tasting a DOC wine from the Amerini hills. Red, white, or rosé: you'll be left speechless by everything you try. Also amazing are the so-called Girotti figs, dried and then filled with chocolate, candy, almonds, and nuts.

We then move to Orvieto, also a culinary reference point. The local grapes are the ideal material for the creation of one of Italy's most representative wines.

As well as extra-virgin olive oil, chestnuts are worth tasting here,as main ingredients of many traditional recipes, including soup. Another mainstay around here are mushrooms and truffles, especially in the area of Selva di Meana and Monte Peglia.

Game is a traditional favourite, with hare, wild boar and wild pigeon featuring prominently, always prepared with flavoursome and full-bodied sauces.

We end our itinerary among the region's flavours with sweet maccheroni, popular especially during Christmas time, and with pastries such as lumachelle, cicale, and aniseed mini-donuts. 

Info utili 
La distanza tra Amelia e Orvieto è di 53 km, che si percorre in circa un’ora.

Percorsi trekking
Da Amelia, alla scoperta della gola del Rio Grande, sentiero ad anello, 7 km di distanza, tempo di percorrenza circa 4 ore; dal parco Rio Grande a Macchie, 14 km (andata e ritorno), tempo di percorrenza circa 5 ore.
Da Orvieto al borgo di Sugano, percorso ad anello, circa 10 km di distanza, tempo di percorrenza circa 4 ore.

Percorsi bike
Da Amelia, dal Parco Rio Grande verso Collicelli e ritorno, fra i boschi dell’Amerino, 30 km di distanza, tempo di percorrenza circa 4 ore.
Da Orvieto-Sferracavallo al Parco di Villalba, 26 km di distanza, tempo di percorrenza circa 3 ore.