Festa del Bosco 2024 playbill

Festa del Bosco 2024

From 31 October to 3 November, the village of Montone will host the 40th edition of the Festa del Bosco, one of the most evocative and authentic autumn events in Umbria, which valorises small native productions and the products of the forest and undergrowth.
The market exhibition will be an immersion in autumnal flavours and scents, with tastings, events and open workshops in the alleys of Montone in an evocative and entertaining atmosphere.
The event, as every year, will be an opportunity for numerous artisans to display unique and rare handmade products, as in the past: embroidery, wrought iron and inlaid wood objects, artist's and craftsman's ceramics; a true census and depository of small local production companies.
In addition to the market exhibition and tastings of woodland and undergrowth products, it will be possible to take part in street entertainments and travelling shows, guided tours, walks and horse rides in the woods, photographic exhibitions and personal displays.
For more information:
website: Festadelbosco
Facebook: Montone

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