Playbill Frantoi Aperti 2024

Frantoi Aperti in Umbria 2024

The 27th edition of 'Frantoi Aperti in Umbria' will be held from 19 October to 17 November 2024.
The event, the prince of Italian oil tourism, celebrates the arrival of the new extra virgin olive oil in the period of the olive pressing, proposing initiatives at the oil mill, linked to the world of quality oil.
Also in this edition, in numerous Umbrian villages, visitors will be given the opportunity to experience the mill in operation, witnessing the production of the new oil and immersing themselves in places that have now become multifunctional and that, while maintaining a spirit faithful to tradition, show increasing attention to design innovations and an increasingly marked propensity for hospitality, which precisely during Frantoi Aperti finds the ideal moment to express itself at its best.
For more information:
website: Stradaoliodopumbria 
Facebook: Frantoi aperti

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