playbill La solitudine dell’Origine del mondo. Autoscatti di artiste - Corpi Celesti - Perugia

La solitudine dell’Origine del mondo. Autoscatti di artiste - Corpi Celesti

From 4 October to 24 November 2024 the exhibition entitled ‘The Solitude of the Origin of the World. Self-shots by female artists’, as part of Corpi Celesti, will be on display at the Centro per l'arte contemporanea Trebisonda, in Perugia.
The exhibition takes shape from the research and consequent selection made by curator Giorgio Bonomi on the photographic self-portraits of female artists, collected in the four volumes ‘Il corpo solitario. L'autoscatto nella fotografia contemporanea’, in which there are many female artists who, in their practice of taking self-portraits, have also photographed their own bodies. 
The artists whose works will be exhibited are: Antonella Albani, Carola Allemandi, Alice Asinari, Stefania Beretta, Petra Brnardić, Silvia Celeste Calcagno, Diana Cannarozzi, Barbara Cappello, Stefania Cerea, Valeria Ciardulli, Anna Colitti, Consuelorita Cosentini, Maria Rosaria Cozza, Luisa Denti, Francesca di Ciaula, Era Enesi, Nadia Frasson, Benedetta Galli, Elisa Gestri, Elena Ghini, Tea Giobbio, La Valse, Matuschka, Sükran Moral, Sara Pavan, Valentina Picco, Egle Picozzi, Rita Santanatoglia, Adriana Scalise, Brigitte Tast, Roberta Toscano, Anna Voig, Stefania Zorzi.
The exhibition, with free admission, will be open on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 5.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. or by appointment at 3315793797 - 3381593981.
For more information:
Facebook: Trebisonda

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