Zafferano di Cascia

Mostra Mercato dello zafferano di Cascia 2024

From 31 October to 4 November 2024, the XXIII edition of the Mostra Mercato dello Zafferano di Cascia (Cascia Saffron Market Exhibition) returns, an unmissable event for fans of this precious spice and for those who wish to immerse themselves in Umbrian tradition and culture.
For four days, the historic centre of Cascia will be transformed into a kaleidoscope of scents and flavours, where red gold will be the undisputed protagonist. 
Among the colourful and inviting stands, it will be possible to admire and buy Cascia saffron, a product of excellence, cultivated with passion and according to traditional methods.
The Mostra Mercato will not only be an opportunity to purchase quality products, but will represent a true sensory journey, a unique experience that will involve every sense. 
Tastings, show cooking, thematic conferences, and didactic workshops will allow visitors to discover the infinite culinary possibilities of saffron, from traditional to more innovative cuisine.
There will also be moments of entertainment, with live music and shows animating the streets of the historic centre.
And for those wishing to learn more about the history and properties of this spice, guided tours of saffron fields and meetings with producers will be organised.
For more information:
website: Zafferanodicascia




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