Calvi, Murales
Art in Umbria

Otricoli and Calvi dell’Umbria

A journey in the southernmost corner of Umbria, in a territory rich in art, nature and history.

Tappa 1
Calvi dell'Umbria

Our journey in one of the southernmost edges of Umbria starts from the small village of Poggio, an ancient medieval castle surrounded by greenery of Mount San Pancrazio, easily reached from Narni, following the road that leads to Calvi dell'Umbria.In addition to the 15th century Church of San Nicola, with an arched facade and the baptismal font inside, the main attraction of Poggio di Otricoli is the Castle, which you can admire along the path that runs just outside the walls.

Leaving Poggio, follow the road to Calvi dell'Umbria, and after a few kilometres of turns, in a path surrounded by greenery, you will arrive in the main square of the small town on the border between Umbria and Lazio, famous as "the town of cribs", for the murals depicting the Nativity that will make you walk with your head up to spot them in the alleys and facades of the buildings. You should absolutely see the Ursuline Monastery, housing a museum, where you can admire both the works of the local collection, from the municipal area, and the Collection Chiomenti Vassalli. Don't miss the Chiesa di Santa Maria Assunta or those of Santa Brigida and the Holy Trinity.

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Tappa 2

Continue your journey along the road that leads to Otricoli and stop, just outside the town of Calvi, at Church of San Francesco, a Franciscan complex that according to tradition arose on land donated by the family of San Berardo di Calvi to San Francesco. A few more kilometres of road bring you to the sight of Otricoli on the ridge of the hill. Once in the centre of the town, look for the Church of Santa Maria Assunta, located on the most other point of the town: it is an interesting example of a pre-Romanesque place of worship of the seventh century, later restored several times. Continuing the visit to Otricoli, do not miss the Oratory of San Giuseppe da Leonessa, the Church of S. Salvatore, the Palazzo Priorale, the current town hall, the Municipal Antiquarium, and the Squarti-Perla house with its exceptional door frame built entirely from ancient fragments. Then we suggest a stop to taste the delicious local products, featuring those of the surrounding woods: truffles, mushrooms, asparagus and chestnuts.

To conclude your itinerary, a visit the archaeological area of Ocriculum is a must; it is located just outside the town, on the banks of the Tiber River. The remains of the ancient Roman city are set in an extraordinary natural landscape, forming a perfect synthesis of archaeology and nature. The best way to visit it is to wander along the pedestrian routes, skirting the impressive remains scattered throughout the area, from the theatre to the forum, up to the cistern and spa, to conclude the visit in the antiquarium of Casale San Fulgenzio, where objects found throughout the area are displayed, and from which you can glimpse aspects of the daily life of a civilization and a territory that preserve intact their ancient charm.

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