Terni panpepato

Panpepato or Pampepato

6 people
15 min.
Cook time
20 min.

Typical of Terni, Pampepato (or Panpepato) is a cake with ancient origins. This round-shaped speciality is made with walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, cinnamon, nutmeg, chocolate, honey and sultanas: a real concentration of energy that makes it a very popular dessert during the Christmas season.

Every family uses a revised version of the traditional recipe, which is also why it is considered a popular dessert. Panpepato di Terni recently received the important recognition as a PGI product – Protected Geographical Indication – precisely because of its typicality, its ancient origins dating back to at least 1500 and its strong link with the territory of the entire province of Terni and the municipalities of Massa Martana, Marsciano, Todi, Fratta Todina, Montecastello di Vibio and Deruta.


First soak the sultanas and grate the dark chocolate. Then roughly chop the hazelnuts, walnuts and almonds and collect all the nuts in a large bowl. Add the chocolate and candied fruit and mix well. Now add the squeezed sultanas, cinnamon, nutmeg and pepper and mix again. Add the honey, which you have previously warmed, to the mixture and mix it with the other ingredients. Now add the sifted flour and mix well until the mixture is smooth. Wet your fingers with a little water, take half of the dough and make a loaf, then proceed with the other half. Then bake the loaves in the oven for 20 minutes at 175 degrees. It is preferable to serve the gingerbread after at least 24 hours.