Tecnologia Archeoantropologia Conoscenza
Until 14 September 2024 it will be possible to visit ‘Technology Archaeoanthropology Knowledge’, a temporary exhibition, also tactile, of ongoing research, at the Volumni Hypogeum in Perugia.
Recently, some archaeological finds, including human ones, from the Hypogeum of the Volumni were subjected to CT scans: sometimes archaeological finds during excavation are recovered with the ‘bread’ of soil that has accumulated over the centuries on or in the finds, and, before removing the earthy layers, a CT scan can be carried out on cinerariums that still contain inhumed or cremated bone remains.
The results obtained on three fictile containers, two of which came from tomb 115 of the Palazzone Necropolis, are presented in the exhibition.
The exhibition is of considerable richness and interest and is curated by the Ministry of Culture: Regional Directorate National Museums Umbria.
For further information:
Facebook: DirezioneRegionaleMuseiUmbria