
Museo - Laboratorio dell'Appennino Umbro

The museum is located in the center of Polino, inside the fortress.

The small village, located in southern Umbria, stands proudly between the Petano mountain and the Pelosa mountain on the border with the province of Rieti. The Polino fortress was founded in the twelfth century by Polini family. From the original double-wall defensive system, only the structure with a polygonal plant enriched by two groups of diametrically opposed cylindrical towers remains.

The workshop-museum offers an opportunity to learn, through models and other interactive multimedia systems, the evolutionary history of the Umbria.

The visit to the workshop museum of Polino is a journey of discovery in the "under" (geology) and "above" (vegetation, fauna and landscape) of Umbria. This trip is also reflected in the physical structure of the museum. Its two levels house topics related to geology / paleontology and natural sciences. A series of correlated themes can be found on the first floor of the Castelli Palace, where together with  the reception and the bookshop, there are a large aerial photo of the area and a contour model to help the visitor orient and familiarize himself with the structure of this real science park. The palace also hosts an educational workshop for the study and classification of ammonites.

Not far from the village of Polino a small stone quarry extends the museum experience with a practical activity. The museum has been recently expanded and an info point (called La finestra sul Nera - The window on the  Nera) has been opened. With the help of dedicated staff, visitors can learn to look for and to extract from the rock ammonite fossils that can be separated from the rock matrix using tools similar to those used by paleontologists.

After seeing the museum, visit the small medieval village and the surrounding area: leaving the town, admire a vast panorama that stretches to the southeast towards Greccio, Lake Piediluco, Rieti and Leonessa, in the north-east to Monteleone di Spoleto, in the  north to the Salto del Ciedo with the magnificent mountain and Mount Aspra Coscerno dominating the view of the Nera Valley.

die Umgebung entdecken
Hauptattraktionen in der Nähe