The Ancient Baths of Triponzo

The Ancient Baths of Triponzo

“Its therapeutic efficacy has already been proven by a sufficient amount of clinical data to deserve the trust of lovers of this healthy art”. 


This is how some historic publications attest to the ancient origins and benefits of the thermal water of Triponzo.


The hot springs of Cerreto di Spoleto, known probably since the Roman era (its most famous reference is in Virgil’s Aeneid), were mentioned in 1488, when, already functioning, they were transferred to the Norcia Municipality for 151 gold florins and thereafter to Pasquale Forti and to the Bishop of Norcia Bucchi - Accica, who donated them to the Cerreto District.

Today, the Ancient Baths of Triponzo have been recently restored to use after over 30 years. Visitors can enjoy those those same waters, containing sulphur and other elements including magnesium, whose health effects on the body and the mind have been enjoyed for centuries.

It is the only spa complex in Umbria supplied with sulphurous water rich in calcium that, regardless of the season, maintains a constant temperature of 30 degrees C (86 degrees F) with considerable therapeutic qualities.

The hot springs are entirely immersed in the green Umbrian woods: 18 sources of sulphurous thermal water, emerald green in colour, flow out in this place.

The water starts in the Park of Sibillini Mountains: drops gather after each rainfall, some of them flow into rivers and creeks, others follow a route that takes them deep, into contact with porous rocks, which absorb the water.

This causes the water to acquire dissolved solids of the rock, and warming to the temperatuer of hte depths of the Earth.

After a long rest in the dark depths of the Valnerina, the sulphurous water emerges into the light, with a colour suggesting shades of green and blue, result its enriched content of calcium and sulphates.

The sulphurous water of the Triponzo Baths is indicated for osteoarticular inflammations and for its anti-inflammatory effect on skin diseases such as eczemas, acne, dermatitis, because sulphur is a bacteriostatic and the natural peeling derived from bathing purifies and renews the dermis. The health effects of the sulphurous thermal waters of the Ancient Baths of Triponzo have been traditionally recognized and are still today very much appreciated.

Surrounded by centuries-old oaks, nestled in the Valnerina mountains, you can enjoy the pleasure of a warm sulphurous soak, relaxing in the murmur of the waters. 


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