Rasiglia and its sources

Rasiglia and its springs

I find myself alone in this Alpine spot at the foot of a holy and glorious mountain, where a source with whispering waters arises among alive stones…” 

Marco from Rasiglia, poet


Rasiglia is a little mountain village located at above 600 metres of altitude, along the Sellano State Road 319, approximately 18 km from Foligno, its municipality .

It maintains the typical characteristics of the medieval village with its amphitheatre structure, and is especially famous for its springs: while you walk along Rasiglia's charming alleys, you can't resist the enchantment of the watercourses that cross it and make it unique and fascinating.

The main spring that waters Rasiglia is Capovena: it is located in the high part of the village, at the foot of the palace occupied by the Trinci, who were lords of Foligno between 1305 and 1439, and crosses the village through rivulets and small waterfalls that flow together into a big tank called “Peschiera”, and then into the river Menotre.

The other springs are:

• Alzabove, rising below the mountain Carosale and flowing into the aqueduct of the southern Umbrian Valley;
• Venarella, in front of the sports field of Rasiglia, feeding into  the Verchiano aqueduct;
• Le Vene, at Chieve;
• La Vena Pidocchiosa, at Pallailla;
• Le Vene di Campolungo, in the pit of Volperino.

The origins of Rasiglia can be traced back to the 12th century, as recorded in some ancient documents. Its location on the border between the territory of Sellano and the diocese of Spoleto meant that the Trinci family built a defence structure here to secure and control its boundaries, the Castrum et Roccha Rasilia.

The Fortress of Rasiglia originally occupied the summit of the hill with a rectangular walls, and today some stretches of the town walls and the ruins of a tower remain visible. A mill, a fulling mill, some houses in the village were property of the Trinci family who, by exploiting the precious presence of water, started those activities that for centuries guaranteed the survival of all the community (mills and factories) thanks to the hydropower coming from the river Menotre.

Today the life of this splendid village still continues to be marked by water, an element used in the weaving, the wool making and dyeing that is constantly re-proposed through a very ancient tradition, dating back to 1200.

Worth visiting nearby are the Ancient Sanctuary of Our Lady of Graces and the Park of Altolina, with a landscape rich in biodiversity: the Waterfalls of Menotre and the Caves of the Abbess, of karstic origin, with inspiring stalactite and stalagmite formations.

Furthermore, each year two important events takes place: the living crib at Christmas time and “Penelope in Rasiglia”, in June, devoted to the ancient weaving trades.

Don’t miss this highly irresistible spot far away in time, where the cheerful gurgling of rushing water accompanies each step. 

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