Chianina steaks with plums, orange, ginger and cinnamon by Rione Spada

3 hours
Cook time
2,5 hours

Pierpaolo at the Rione Spada under the portico of the Conce, on the occasion of the Rivincita della Quintana



Pierpaolo at the Rione Spada under the portico of the Conce, on the occasion of the Rivincita della Quintana, prepared a dish for us from their tavern: Bocconcini di Chianina with plums, orange, ginger and cinnamon.

Whatch the recipe on 


  1. We put in extra virgin olive oil;
  2. Add chopped celery, carrot and onion;
  3. We add Chianina meat bred in Umbria;
  4. Fry the meat to caramelise the sugars;
  5. We moisten with orange juice;
  6. Add thyme and marjoram;
  7. We add the meat stock;
  8. Let it cook for 2/2.30 hours;
  9. At 3/4 of the cooking time we add the fruit (plums and oranges);
  10. After 10 minutes we add ginger and cinnamon
  11. We let everything reduce and proceed to serve!